Google and Meta Caught Targeting Teens with Instagram Ads on YouTube, Violating Policies

BigGo Editorial Team
Google and Meta Caught Targeting Teens with Instagram Ads on YouTube, Violating Policies

Google and Meta Caught in Controversial Ad Campaign Targeting Minors

In a shocking revelation, tech giants Google and Meta have been accused of running a secret advertising campaign that deliberately targeted teenagers on YouTube with Instagram ads, violating Google's own policies against advertising to minors.

An exterior view of a Google building, symbolizing the company's involvement in the controversial advertising practices targeting minors
An exterior view of a Google building, symbolizing the company's involvement in the controversial advertising practices targeting minors

The Loophole Exploit

According to a report by the Financial Times, the companies exploited a loophole in Google's advertising system by:

  1. Directing ads to users labeled as unknown in Google's system
  2. Using this category to reach a wider audience, including teens aged 13-17
  3. Leveraging app download data and online activity to identify younger users

This strategy allowed them to circumvent Google's 2021 policy that prohibits ad targeting based on age, gender, or interests of people under 18.

Campaign Details

  • Timeline: Launched in Canada (February-April 2023), trialed in the US (May 2023)
  • Partners: Spark Foundry, a US subsidiary of ad giant Publicis
  • Plans: Intended expansion to international markets and promotion of additional services like Facebook

Motivations and Consequences

The illicit campaign was reportedly initiated due to:

  • Declining Google advertising earnings
  • Migration of Meta's younger users to rival platforms like TikTok

Following the revelation, Google has:

  1. Launched an internal investigation
  2. Canceled the campaign
  3. Promised to reinforce policy compliance among sales representatives

Broader Implications

This incident occurs amid increasing scrutiny of online platforms' use of children's data:

  • Recent US Senate bill banning targeted advertising to minors
  • DOJ lawsuit against TikTok for illegal data collection on users under 13

As the tech industry grapples with ethical advertising practices, this case highlights the ongoing challenges in protecting young users online.