User Terms

Privacy Notice
Cashback Notice
Video Content Release Specification

Privacy Notice

This privacy notice for FUNMULA CO.,LIMITED (doing business as BigGo) (“BigGo,” “We,” “us,” or “our”), describes how and why we collect, store, use, share, and protect your personal information when you use our services (“Services”), such as when you:

  • Visit our website at , or any website of ours that links to this privacy notice
  • Download and use our mobile application (BigGo) and extension (BigGo Shopping Assistance)
  • Engage with us in other related ways, including any sales, marketing, or events

We not only comply with personal data protection laws but also have trusted online security measures in place.

  1. Collection and Use of Personal Data
    • When you visit our website or use the functional services provided by this website, you can join BigGo via Facebook, Google account, or Email. With your consent, we will only obtain basic information (Facebook/Google account ID, name, and Email) from you to provide services on this website.
    • The personal information collected will only be used for statistical analysis on this site and will not be used for any other purposes or provided to any third party.
    • We may also use your personal information to send periodic newsletters (with your prior consent or subject to local laws and regulations), promote events, and offer rewards and benefits when you qualify.
    • We automatically collect certain information through cookies when you visit, use, or navigate the Services. This information does not reveal your specific identity (like your name or contact information) but may include device and usage information, such as your IP address, browser and device characteristics, operating system, referring URLs, country, location, information about how and when you use our Services, and other technical information. This information is primarily needed to maintain the security and operation of our Services, and for our internal analytics and reporting purposes, which is used internally and never released to the public.
    • We also comply with security regulations, which may include the use of your personal information to cooperate with law enforcement, judicial oversight authorities, and other government agencies to detect and prevent fraud and other related crimes and to ensure the security of BigGo's assets and systems. When we use your personal information, we will comply with local laws and will not use it beyond the scope of what we have told you.
    • You may correct or delete inaccurate or incomplete personal information collected about you on our website at any time by requesting us, as described in the contact section at the bottom.
    • BigGo does not perform any "prediction", "evaluation" or "simulation output".
    • Our platform does not provide users with any personality, personal attributes, personality traits, and behavioral tendencies. Moreover, BigGo does not involve the prediction of user identity as well.
  2. Personal Data Protection and Deletion
    • Only authorized personnel will have access to your personal information. All personnel involved in the processing of your personal information have signed a confidentiality agreement, and any breach of confidentiality obligations will be subject to legal action.
    • When you request the deletion of your account and personal data, you can log in to your BigGo Personal Information page at any time and erase your personal information and account. We always follow the deletion process to securely remove your personal data from the BigGo server or retain only the anonymously processed data. To ensure that your personal information is adequately protected against inadvertent or malicious deletion, when you remove certain basic personal information and accounts, our current and backup systems may keep a copy of that information for a period of time before deleting it.
  3. Sharing of Personal Data

    Personal information collected is used for statistical analysis only and is not provided to any third party.

  4. External Links

    The pages of this website provide links to other websites, and you may also click on the links provided by this website to access other websites. However, the linked sites do not apply to the privacy policy of this website, and you must refer to the privacy policy of the linked sites.

  5. Use of Cookies

    We use “cookies”, which are small data files sent to your browser to store and track information about you when you enter our website. The cookie is used to track some of the information mentioned above relating to the use of our services.

  6. Changes to the Personal Data Protection Policy

    We may update this privacy notice from time to time. The updated version will be indicated by an updated “Revised” date and the updated version will be effective as soon as it is accessible.


  • The information displayed in BigGo's data search function is provided by third parties.
  • The information is not created by BigGo and we cannot guarantee its accuracy or that it is the most up-to-date information.
  • All information is collected by crawling technology on the Internet and can be subject to error.
  • BigGo expressly disclaims any responsibility for the accuracy, adequacy, or completeness of any information and cannot be held liable for any errors, omissions, deficiencies, delays, interruptions, or any actions taken in reliance on such information.
  • BigGo cannot be held liable for any related losses resulting from the use of the information provided herein.
  • 【Anti-fraud Statement】BigGo officially does not operate in any communication softwares such as LINE, WhatsApp, WeChat nor make a phone call as a customer service channel, and will never take the initiative to ask for payment in any way. Please beware of fraud. If you have any questions, please contact our customer service through [contact].

Cashback Notice

  • 他業者若因故未能發放原先承諾的獎勵,BigGo亦無法負責。
  • 若點選現金回饋分享產生的連結後,因任何原因 (包含但不限於您瀏覽器設定的因素)未能追蹤以致無法取得獎勵者,BigGo無法負責。
  • 現金回饋分享如發生扣繳稅款、健保費或其他名目之扣繳者,BigGo將依法扣繳,扣繳稅率有變更者亦同。
  • 請您依照BigGo之流程及規定 (包含關於門檻金額之規定) 請領現金回饋分享之獎勵,如您未完成相關程序或文件,BigGo有權利拒絕發放該獎勵。
  • 如您決定請領現金回饋分享,既代表您已同意BigGo儲存、處理及使用您所提供的個人資訊,且BigGo得基於向其他業者請領獎勵之目的,將您的個人資料分享給該業者。
  • 如因資料毀損、病毒、操作失誤、資料傳輸有誤或其他人為或非人為因素,以致於現金回饋分享之紀錄有誤或流程無法完成者,BigGo有權利拒絕發放該獎勵。
  • 若有長達12個月BigGo現金回饋之帳戶無任何『電商交易行為』行為,屆時未請領之現金回饋將一律失效,因未達門檻而未請領者亦同。
  • BigGo有權再未告知的情況下變更、停止、終止及解釋服務內容。若您在條款修改後繼續使用本服務,視為您瞭解並同意接受該等修改或變更。
  • 若您的帳戶有大量下單(如代購、團購)、透過購買價低商品賺取價差分潤或拆單等行為,可能被系統視為違規而導致回饋金喪失與帳戶遭封鎖。

Video Content Release Specification

  1. The video content must be free of piracy, infringement, and other legal violations.
    • If a video is reported to be infringing, pirated or in violation of regulations, the video will be removed from the site, and the account that posted the video will be temporarily or permanently suspended from uploading the video.
    • Video content and descriptions must not contain any personal information about yourself or others (e.g., name, phone number, email, etc.)
    • Serious violations (if found, the content will be removed immediately and the video uploading function of the account may be suspended or permanently disabled)
    • Malicious posting (content downloaded from other sources or suspected of plagiarism, any attempt to provide direct or indirect misleading information that is inconsistent with the facts)
    • Video content (including motion pictures, language, text, sound) must not involve crime, violence, horror, gore, nudity, sexual innuendo, drugs, e-smoking, fraud, indecent words (or similar pronunciation, self-harm, hate speech, misleading information, bullying and harassment or endangering the safety of the platform).No content involving obscene, threatening, offensive, defamatory, racial, national, gender, religious, age hate speech.
  2. Copyright Notice

    Users should post original, licensed works, or use copyrighted works under the fair use doctrine. When a user publishes a work, he/she owns the copyright and copyright rights of the work. The platform may not delete their works or accounts without permission, but if the user violates the publishing regulations, the platform has the right to retain or delete their accounts after investigation. The Platform may not delete individual content and delete the user's account; once the user violates the posting regulations, the appointment contract should be deemed to be terminated.

  3. Disclaimer

    There are clear guidelines for video content release specification. However, we do not guarantee that all postings will be safe, reliable, error-free or operate normally at any time, nor do we guarantee that the review video will be executed without interruption, delay or failure.

    We make no other warranties, either expressed or implied, including warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title and non-infringement. We are not responsible for the actions of users and any content they share which is offensive, inappropriate, obscene, illegal and objectionable.

    We are not liable for any loss of profit to the user, and consequential/ special/ indirect/ punitive/ exemplary or incidental damages arising out of or in connection with this service, even after being aware of the possibility of the damage.

    Users must be solely responsible for the content they upload and publish, including any music, text, and images that appear in the content. If posted content contains music, text, or images owned by others, the content may be removed or censored by the appropriate owner; if used without proper authorization, the content may also be removed after censoring.

The interpretation and validity of the user terms of use, disclaimer clauses, and activity terms shall be governed by the laws of the Republic of China. If a lawsuit is involved due to the use of the services of this website, the user agrees that the Kaohsiung District Court shall be the court of first instance.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about this notice, please click on the link:
