Google Photos Introduces "Show Less" Feature for More Nuanced Memory Control

BigGo Editorial Team
Google Photos Introduces "Show Less" Feature for More Nuanced Memory Control

Google Photos is rolling out a new feature that gives users more granular control over which faces appear in their Memories. The Show Less option offers a middle ground between completely blocking someone and having them appear frequently, addressing the complex nature of personal relationships and memories.

A More Nuanced Approach to Memories

The Memories feature in Google Photos has been a popular way for users to rediscover old photos and videos. However, not all memories are welcome surprises. While Google previously introduced the ability to block specific people or pets from appearing in Memories, this all-or-nothing approach didn't always suit users' needs.

The new Show Less feature allows users to reduce the frequency of a person's appearance in Memories without completely eliminating them. This is particularly useful for:

  • Deceased friends or family members
  • Former romantic partners
  • Anyone else users want to see occasionally, but not constantly

How to Use the Show Less Feature

To access this new option:

  1. Open Google Photos
  2. Go to Settings > Preferences > Memories
  3. Tap on Hide People and Pets
  4. Choose Select faces under the Show Less category
  5. Pick the faces you want to see less frequently

The same menu also retains the option to completely block faces if desired.

The Google Photos app icon, representing the platform where users can manage their Memories and utilize the new Show Less feature
The Google Photos app icon, representing the platform where users can manage their Memories and utilize the new Show Less feature

Availability and Rollout

The Show Less feature is now available in the latest version of Google Photos. Users who don't see the option yet should ensure their app is updated to the latest version. If it's still not visible, it may be part of a gradual rollout.

This update demonstrates Google's ongoing efforts to make Photos more personalized and sensitive to users' emotional needs. By offering more nuanced control over Memories, Google aims to keep the feature enjoyable without risking unwanted emotional triggers.

As digital photo collections continue to grow, features like this become increasingly important in managing our virtual walks down memory lane.