Apple's iPhone Naming Dilemma: Time to Ditch Numbers for Creativity?

BigGo Editorial Team
Apple's iPhone Naming Dilemma: Time to Ditch Numbers for Creativity?

As Apple's annual iPhone refresh approaches, a growing chorus of tech enthusiasts are calling for a radical change - abandoning the numbered naming scheme in favor of more creative monikers.

The current iPhone naming convention, which simply increments a number each year, is being criticized as uninspired and failing to capture the essence of each new device. Critics argue this contributes to a sense of stagnation in the smartphone market.

Some key points in the debate:

  • Memorable names like the LG G Flex, Motorola Droid, and Nexus line helped those devices stand out and develop cult followings
  • Creative names could highlight key features or use cases of new models
  • Apple already uses descriptive names for Mac OS versions (e.g. Ventura, Monterey) and iPad/MacBook lines (Air, Pro)
  • Unique names may help consumers form stronger attachments to devices
  • The foldable iPhone, whenever it arrives, presents a perfect opportunity to introduce a new naming scheme

Proponents suggest options like iPhone Cameraman to emphasize photography upgrades or iPhone Spark to convey innovation. However, skeptics worry abandoning numbers could confuse buyers about which model is newest.

As smartphone innovation slows, manufacturers face growing pressure to differentiate their offerings. A shift to more evocative product names could be one way for Apple to inject fresh excitement into its flagship line.

What do you think - should Apple stick with numbers or get more creative with iPhone names? The debate is sure to continue as we await this year's new models.