Sonos App Update: Small Steps Towards Fixing Major Issues

BigGo Editorial Team
Sonos App Update: Small Steps Towards Fixing Major Issues

The troubled Sonos app is receiving another update, but users hoping for a major overhaul may be left wanting. This latest release brings incremental improvements as the company continues to address widespread criticism following its controversial redesign in May.

Key Updates

  • Queue Management: Android users can now clear their music queue, a feature sorely missed since the app's relaunch.
  • Night Mode: A new toggle for soundbars enhances dialogue without increasing overall volume.
  • Accessibility: Improved settings for users with different needs.
  • Setup Process: Smoother and more reliable product setup experience.

While these changes address some user complaints, they represent only a fraction of the issues plaguing the app since its redesign. Sonos CEO Patrick Spence previously apologized for disappointing customers and stated that fixing the app is the company's number one priority.

The Road Ahead

Sonos has committed to monthly updates, with more significant changes expected this fall. Future improvements on the roadmap include:

  • Enhanced volume responsiveness
  • Improved queue editing
  • Better alarm reliability

Despite calls from some users to bring back the old app, Sonos has confirmed this isn't possible due to core functionality now being cloud-based. Instead, the company is focused on gradually rebuilding features within the new framework.

Industry Impact

The app redesign has had far-reaching consequences for Sonos, reportedly leading to customer losses, financial setbacks, and even employee departures. As the company works to regain user trust, competitors may see an opportunity to capture market share in the high-end audio space.

For loyal Sonos users, patience will be key as the company continues its efforts to restore and improve functionality. Whether these incremental updates will be enough to stem the tide of dissatisfaction remains to be seen.